The Benefits of Drinking Camel Milk

The Benefits of Drinking Camel Milk

Camel milk is well on the way to becoming a hot commodity in the health market. There are so many benefits of camel milk, but they are not so well-known.  Camel milk is a highly nutritious drink consumed by the Bedouins and many other desert communities of the world.  Some experts cite properties that they say may help fight a number of diseases, including diabetes, cancer, shingles, and autism.  It is also easier to digest than cow’s milk, making it popular among the lactose intolerant.

This emerging superfood can actually contain more nutritional value than other types of milk. Camel milk is even likely to be one of the most superior milk types with some surprising health benefits.

Camel milk is unique in its potential ability to help with allergies and autism, to mitigate autoimmune disease and diabetes and for heart and immune health. It has even been used around the world as a supplement to breastmilk!

Sounds pretty amazing, right? Keep on reading to find out more about how beneficial this milk is.

  • Protein Structure
  • Protein is extremely important for staying healthy, as it helps to make your blood, hair, connective tissue, and more.  You can increase the amount of protein intake without having to consume a large amount of meat or having to take any synthetic protein supplements if you drink camel milk.  Furthermore, camel milk does not contain the same proteins that people are often allergic to in cow’s milk.  It does not contain A1 casein and lactoglobulin and is usually well tolerated by those with dairy allergies. Cows milk has A1 beta-casein proteins, the protein that people who are lactose intolerant or have a cow milk allergy react negatively to. Camel milk on the other hand, contains A2 beta-casein proteins. In addition, some proteins containing immune globulin may also help boost the immune system.

  • Heart and Blood Health
  • The monounsaturated fats (especially oleic acid) present in camel milk give it some of the same benefits as olive oil.  It contains A2 beta casein, which is different than the A1 casein found in most dairy milk.  As mentioned, the A2 beta casein in camel milk may be partially responsible for the heart and immune protective effects.  It also has an insulin-like protein, which makes blood absorption easier.

    Additionally, Camel milk has very high iron content in it. Since iron is an important component of red blood cells, camel milk has been used for preventing anemia. This iron composition of camel milk would improve the circulation of blood and furthermore, the oxygenation of many organ systems and extremities.

    benefits of camel milk infographic

  • Closest to Breastmilk
  • In terms of total protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, camel milk is the closest you can get to breastmilk. As you know, breast milk has all the nutrients your baby needs in the right amounts. Now you have found the milk that is closest to mothers milk which is why it is often considered a suitable alternative for some babies and toddlers who need milk replacements due to high levels of phospholipids.  People of all ages can drink camel milk to increase nutrient intake and improve digestion. It is antibacterial and low in lactose. Used medicinally by nomadic communities for centuries, fermented camel’s milk is still popular in Kazakhstan as a treatment for Tuberculosis and for HIV/AIDS in Kenya and Somalia. Research has been conducted into treating Crohn’s disease, breast cancer and autism, however, the most promising studies have been in the field of diabetes.

    whats in your camel milk

    “Camel milk is the new oil,” says Director Alicia Sully of The What Took You So Long Foundation (WTYSL). Drinking camel milk benefits the human body in many ways. And, best of all, camel milk is delicious!


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