Quality Eating Guaranteed– our award-winning beef is industry graded (Meat Standards Australia) for superior taste and tenderness every time (you can check out the MSA eating quality standards here)

No Nasties – no hormones, no antibiotics, no steroids – just beef.
100% safe and 100% traceable – we know where your beef comes from.
Animal Welfare – we are farmers, our cattle are our life, we treat them with respect and care. They are humanely treated at all times, this we can guarantee.
Free-Range – our cattle are all raised on natural pasture, out in the paddock, with access to all they need – feed, water, shade and shelter.
Ethically Produced– Producing top quality beef shouldn’t come at the cost of our environment. We are always conscious of our farming footprint and of minimising our impact on the environment. Keep an eye on our ‘News’ section for the ways we constantly seek to improve our environment (soil, water, native flora and fauna and pastures).